Hey love, I'm Keshia


Hey love, I'm Keshia

I'm a Dating Coach and I help Christian women attract cherished love by changing their mindset,
healing their past and embracing their feminine charm
so that they can increase their confidence and create the love life of their dreams.

Let me ask you something, what would your life be like if you knew inside your heart that you are beautiful and perfect?

If you had the confidence to express your authentic self while stepping more into your feminine? The truth is that you get to create your own happy ending.

This is why I became a coach, helping successful, Christian women finally attract cherished love by changing their mindset, healing their past and embracing their feminine charm so that they can create the love life of their dreams.

I'm a two-time Emmy-nominated journalist turned dating coach helping successful Christian women finally attract cherished love.

My purpose is to teach women to live an abundant life, one in which they are confident in the high-value woman they were created to be. I want women not just have healthy romantic relationships, but to be free of toxicity and people-pleasing in all of their relationships. 

It’s important to me because I used to be that woman. I grew up being bullied by own aunts and uncles. I grew up with low self-esteem, and developed eating disorders and depression as a teen. I dated a lot, and never had issues with finding men. But I attracted a lot of unhealthy relationships, with men who didn’t respect my boundaries, took money from me, and made my self-esteem even lower. I want to be the woman I wish I had in my life back when I was in that single season.

I made the decision to specialize in coaching Christian women on dating because I was in so many toxic relationships of my own in the past. I’m so sick of preachers telling women to “close their legs and wait on their Boaz,” when what women need to do is heal from their broken pasts, set boundaries, and embrace their feminine so they attract quality men.

I believe that attraction is more than just having a pretty face, which is why I focus on teaching forgiveness, confidence, and communication skills in order to help women feel empowered, confident and beautiful from the inside out.

attract cherished love
find out how